He's a God of Miracles

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He’s a God of Miracles. We are still in awe of the beautiful story God is writing through our sweet baby J. We’ve taken you all along on this journey every step of the way so far, so it only feels right to continue to share this baby’s story for His glory. So here we go!

On June 29th we shared with the world our story of walking through infertility. We had been walking this journey for over a year and I felt God lay it on my heart to share it with the world. My husband so graciously agreed to share our story. The outpouring of love that came from friends, family, and even strangers, was overwhelming in the best way. We will never take the prayers, comments, and sweet encouraging messages for granted. That season was full of so many connections made and stories shared that will always hold a place in our hearts.

Fast forward to July. July was filled with SO many fun summer memories - spending late nights on the lake with friends, going on the best family vacation, and just soaking up every bit of summer. At the end of July (July 29th to be exact because God is in every bit of this story) our best friends shared with us that they were expecting! We were SO excited for them, but it was also super bittersweet to have yet another one of our close friends walking through the season we so desperately longed for. The next few days we spent so much time praying, just asking God that he would bring peace to our hearts and help us to celebrate those around us in this season. I felt like I was hitting my breaking point and was just absolutely exhausted with this journey. Honestly, I wanted to throw in the towel and take a break from trying for a little one for a while.


Friends of ours asked us to come over the following night, I really just wanted to stay home and watch Netflix, but we went. While we were there, one of our friends got out his guitar and started playing a few worship songs from church. We all sang along and when we were finished they asked if we had any specific prayer requests and if they could pray over us. We shared with them that we were really struggling with the season God has us in and this whole journey to growing our family and asked that they would just pray for peace and wisdom for God to lead us. I sobbed as they prayed for peace and healing and abundant blessings for us. God knew it was exactly what our hearts needed.

Fast forward a week later and our church was hosting a night of prayer. Our church has just finished a series on prayer and this was an opportunity to put what we had learned into practice. This was WAY out of my comfort zone and I wasn’t too sure about going, but Ry said “Babe, prayer can never be a bad thing, I think we should go.” I’m so glad we went.

The following day, I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. God was teaching me that my identity has to be in Him above all else. Being a wife, momma, teacher, sister, friend, etc. will never truly fulfill me. He was teaching me true contentment. I shared this with my husband and said maybe this is our season to simply celebrate others and embrace life just the two of us. We shared what we were grateful for and able to do in this season that we might not otherwise have been able to do. We even started planning to buy a boat next summer to host family and friends in the summertime here.

Fast forward another week or so, summer was winding down and I was driving with a co-worker and friend to visit another school. On the way there she asked how things were going with starting a family, and I shared with her that God had recently given me peace with the season we were in and that maybe this was simply our season to celebrate others. She shared that she had been praying for us and that she just felt like God put it on her heart to share that we were going to be just fine and be able to conceive without any infertility treatments. I sort of laughed it off…I was super thankful for her prayers, but after 18 months of trying, it didn’t seem like that would be the case for us at all.

Friends…two days later we got pregnant with sweet baby J. TWO DAYS AFTER THIS CONVERSATION. He is a God of miracles.


June 29th we shared our story of infertility. July 29th our best friends shared they were expecting. August 29th I woke up as a momma. On August 28th…I took a pregnancy test and it said PREGNANT for this first time ever. (I’m crying all over again as I type this.) I immediately fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face, and all I could whisper was “thankyou God”.

The next few days and weeks were a blur of excitement, nausea, dreaming, & praying.

In the days leading up to our first ultrasound, I was so worried that there would be complications, or that the baby would be measuring too small, or that we wouldn’t get to see a heartbeat. We prayed fervently over this little one, for a healthy, thriving sweet baby. We went in for the ultrasound and we immediately got to see sweet baby J on the screen. She showed us his/her heartbeat and measured it and babe had a strong heartbeat. She then said she’d take a few measurements to see where baby was lining up according to my estimated due date. Sweet baby J was already measuring 5 days ahead of my due date size wise…friends God hears our prayers! So many prayers were answered and that will always be such a sweet day to look back on. We still have many months to go, and would love your prayers throughout this journey, but we trust that God is so faithful!

The past month we’ve gotten to share this sweet news with so many family and friends, and I wish I would’ve captured each and every person’s reaction. Sweet baby J, we can’t wait to tell you the story of you and just how loved you are. There have been SO many tears of pain cried out for you this past year, and now SO SO many tears of joy at the announcement of you! It’s an honor to get to be your momma. God is already doing big things through you, little one.

So here we are! Feeling SO grateful to get to write this post and share this babe’s story with you all. The season we just walked through will forever be part of our story, but we cannot wait to share and celebrate this next season with you all too. We would LOVE your continued prayers. We believe they have made all the difference. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou from the bottom of our hearts.

Parenthood here we come. :)


Start where you are


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