Thriving In Full Seasons


Happy November friends! 

It’s been too long since I last chatted with you sweet friends! Life has been crazy full, but also crazy good. Today’s blogpost is so fitting for this season and I’m over here preaching to myself. For anyone else who finds themselves in full seasons, I hope this encourages you! I’ll share a few quick, practical tips on thriving over just surviving full seasons in our lives, but first a little back story.

I started this little blog in one of the craziest seasons of my life. I was finishing up my last semester of college, getting married the weekend before finals, moving across the state, and getting ready to start student teaching. In the midst of that I was also working two jobs, leading a student organization, and attending small group each week. I remember the overwhelm that set in during the first week of classes. I sat at my desk in my dorm room in tears wondering how on earth it was possible to “do it all”. And I heard God whisper “you can’t, but I can”.

I knew right then and there, there was no possible way for me to do those next few months on my own, but with Him it was absolutely possible. I also felt Him stirring in my heart saying “don’t miss all the beauty I have for you in this season”. I knew I wanted so much more than just to survive that season. Looking back, I’m SO grateful for all that God taught me during that season and there was so many beautiful, sacred moments tucked into those crazy few months. That season has encouraged me so many times over the past few years to truly soak up the place that He has me in and to look for the beautiful moments right now.

This season looks so much different than that one, but it can be just as easy to get overwhelmed. So I wanted to share a few things that have helped me to make the most of full seasons and I hope it encourages you right where you’re at sweet friend. Let’s dive in!

  1. Start with Jesus - In Matthew 11, He tells us to come to Him, all who are weary, and HE will give us rest. Friends we don’t have to carry it all on our shoulders, in fact, we weren’t meant to. Jesus gladly carries the weight of all we are balancing, and when we trust Him in each season, He brings so much abundance.

  2. Make time to fill your cup first - If we don’t make time to fill our cup first, we don’t have anything to pour out to others. For me this looks like waking up 30 minutes earlier, to make a hot cup of coffee, curl up in His word, and read a few pages of a book I’m currently reading. That short 30 minutes fills my soul up and helps me feel so refreshed to start the day. I know it seems silly to think that just 30 minutes can make a difference, but on the mornings I wake up late or skip that routine, my patience often runs thin and I feel so out of sorts! This has been so simple, but so life changing the past few years.

  3. Write out your day each morning and prioritize the top three must do’s - This can be in a planner or on a simple plain white sheet of paper, but I have found that simply writing out the day, makes me feel so much more relaxed. It’s out of my brain and all down on paper to refer back to throughout the day. I’ve used the Day Designer Daily Planner for 4 years now and love that there is a page dedicated to each day. At the top of each day is a little box that says “Today’s Top Three”. This is so helpful to prioritize the top three MUST DO’s for each day. I tend to get a little crazy with my to do lists and write down way more than is humanly possible in one day, so I love this tool to help focus on just a few things that need to be done first and then if there’s still time, I move to the rest of the list. Day Designer offers a free printable to test out the layout of their planners for any friends looking for a planner like this! Head to this link and click “Try it for Free” to download a sample page. :)

  4. Make the most of driving time - most of us spend time driving each day, whether it be to and from work, running kiddos around, or running errands. Those little minutes add up, so let’s make the most of them. :) Take advantage of this time to listen to podcasts, audiobooks or your favorite playlists. This can be such a sweet time to refresh. I love listening to all three! I love listening to podcasts and audiobooks for personal development, but I’m also currently loving listening to Christmas music when my brain needs a break. ;)

  5. Add in little joys - In full seasons (and really in all seasons) make time for the little joys. Whether that be as simple as turning on twinkle lights in the house, ordering yourself a fun new book to read, grabbing your favorite coffee, lighting your favorite candle, or wearing your comfiest pajamas, make time for the things that bring you joy. In this season it looks like planning a couple nights a month to go to the coffee shop and grab my favorite drink as a little treat while I get a few solid hours of work in. It’s the little things that can make crazy days a little bit sweeter!

If you’re in a full season friend, I pray for abundance and thriving right where God has you. I pray you are able to soak up this season and see the beautiful moments tucked in.

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