Goals for 2020


Here we are at the beginning of February and I’m still trying to finish up my goals for 2020. ;) I love love love using the PowerSheets Goal Setting Guide from the Cultivate What Matters Shop. They are all about grace - filled goal setting and I’m so thankful for that encouragement as a new momma in the midst of a full season trying to pray over and intentionally choose goals for this coming year. :)

  • Click this link to head on over and grab your powersheets to make this your best year yet!

I also have to remind myself they don’t have to be perfect and I can always change things along the way this year! I don’t know about you but I always feel like I hesitate or put things off because I want to be just right instead of just diving in and starting and figuring it out as I go. ;) Here’s what I have down so far for goals this year & I’m slowly learning to just hold it all with open hands and watch God work. :) SO much easier said than done!

Study God’s Word

The past nine months of learning how to navigate life around a little person’s schedule and survive on little sleep has been an adjustment to say the least. ;) I LOVED waking up early, making a hot cup of coffee and curling up to study God’s word and read each morning before the day began. It filled my soul up and reminded my heart of God’s truths. Since our sweet boy has arrived I’ve fumbled my way through grabbing bits and pieces of scripture where I can, but if I’m being honest, I haven’t made it the priority that it needs to be.

The few mornings that I’ve made it a priority to wake up early and spend even 15 minutes reading scripture, a devotional, journaling etc. it has blessed me in so many ways. Spending time with the Lord totally doesn’t have to be in the morning, I just know for me that always starts my day off on the right foot and I truly enjoy that morning time. I’m hopeful we’ll get into a better routine with sleep with our sweet boy, but even if we don’t, I’m determined to start bringing back morning quiet times and studying God’s Word. God knows our seasons and I think he blesses our willingness to spend time with Him right where we’re at.

Read 20 books in 2020

More reading less scrolling this year. :) Reading is something the fills my soul up. I love reading + continually learning through books. Personal development books are some of my absolute favorites, but I also picked up a few fiction or “just for fun” books this year and I’m SO excited about those too. :) I’ll share a book list here on the blog soon!

Date Nights with Hubs

Both Riley & I truly love parenthood so much. It’s been our favorite season yet to get to learn how to navigate being mommy & daddy together to our precious boy. It has also been a huge adjustment learning how love and serve each other well and our weekly date nights have definitely taken a back seat in this season. Now that Ollie is a little bit older and has been doing okay with babysitters, we’re working on bringing back date nights together. :) We’ve also talked about waking up in the mornings to have coffee together before we leave for work. Just finding little ways to make time for each other and making it a priority to pray together each day are two things we’re working on this year. :)

Being a Present Momma to Our Sweet Boy

The months are already flying by and I want to soak up every moment with our little guy! As Oliver gets older, I hope he remembers a momma who is present more than anything. Who says yes to playing together. To making messes and memories. To reading just one more book. I hope he remembers a momma who’s joyful and patient and gives grace. I’m so excited to start traditions together as a little family. Thanking Jesus for the gift of being a momma and doing my very best to be the momma He made me to be.

Creating a Blog/Brand that Glorifies God

I love that God uniquely creates all of us with gifts and passions. I LOVE to be creative. As a kid I loved all things arts and crafts. In high school, art class was my favorite class of the day. I love dreaming up ideas and just creating! Four years ago I created a blog on the floor of my sisters bedroom while home over break from college. God has grown this platform in ways I’ve never imagined, I want to steward this opportunity well. I have no idea what God has in store for all the creative passions I have, but I pray I use it all for His glory! I’m holding it all with open hands, and setting some big goals to carve out time consistently to pour into these passions.

Create a life giving + cozy home

Being a homemaker doesn’t always come naturally for me. I’m not the greatest at cooking or baking. I’m terrible at keeping up with cleaning around the house. I love the idea of having everything organized, but never prioritize the time to actually organize things. ;) BUT I’ve been listening to podcasts and started reading the book the Life Giving Home by Sally Clarkson and I’m so inspired to create a home that’s not just beautiful, but purposeful, and LIFE GIVING. A place that feels cozy, where our family and friends feel like they can just relax and be themselves. A place to create memories as a family. A place to gather. A place to laugh. A place to cry. A place to rest. That’s what I envision and pray for in our home. & while this goal will stretch me, I’m so so excited to work on it this year.

Cultivate contentment + steward what God’s blessed us with

Gosh this is an area I’m always learning and being challenged in. With instant gratification everywhere, new trends every week, and social media making it way to easy to compare, this area is HARD. Hubs and I have been praying over this season and what it looks like for our family & we’ve been praying over some big financial goals together. He is SO much better at this than me, but I’m so thankful for his grace as we learn together.

I love that Nancy Ray does the Contentment Challenge each year & I’m scheduling this in at some point throughout this year. :) Click here to read her blogpost on this year’s contentment challenge and the backstory behind it. :)

Organize our Photos

Oh man this is going to be a huge project this year. I’m planning to start working on this one over the summer knowing it will be time consuming. I love taking pictures and capturing the little joys in day to day life, but I never take the time to organize and back up our photos or print them off or make books. I need to get better about this! One, so we can enjoy our photos, and two, so we don’t lost all these precious memories if something were to happen to my phone/computer.

I’m planning to do this in parts: uploading/backing up photos, organizing them into categories digitally, printing off photos, and creating a few photo books, etc. This will be a work in progress but I’m so excited about this project!

There you have it friends! My goals for 2020. We’re a month in and it’s already been a year full of so many sweet moments, memories in the making, and learning to lean on Jesus over and over again.

Praying this year is full of abundance for you all!

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