Lessons God taught me through Infertility


The season of infertility we just walked through is still so fresh on my heart, and it’s given me the opportunity to connect with so many of you on such a personal level. That’s something I will never take for granted. If you’ve shared a piece of your story with us, we are so grateful, and please know you are prayed for dear friends. I know there are still so many friends walking through seasons of infertility, and I wanted to share a few of the lessons God taught me through though this season.

Knowing our Identity solely in Him

My identity has to be solely in Him…not in being a momma, not in being a wife, not in being a teacher, blogger, sister, friend, etc. All of those things are beautiful and purposeful, but if I’m not rooted in Him, then my priorities are all wrong.

Surrendering + Remembering that He is FOR US and wants the best for us

When things weren’t working out according to my plan or my desires, it was so easy to say “God where are you?!” but He was really there all along laying out the most beautiful plan, a plan far better than we could ever imagine. So many friends reminded us of this during this season, but in the midst of it all, it was so hard to really truly believe this. If you’ve read the story of our miracle baby, a month after my heart shifted and I truly believed this, we conceived our sweet boy. I know everyone’s story looks different and God’s plans for each of us is unique, but I DO think that when we TRULY surrender our hearts and our plans to the Lord, that He is able to work in ways only He can. That may look totally different that what we expect, but He is still for us and wants the best for us.

Soaking up the blessings of this current season

The next season will always have worries of it’s own. I think we often over glorify the season ahead and underestimate the season we’re in. It’s so easy to think that “if we just had (whatever you’re heart is longing for) then everything would be easier and my heart would be content.” But friend, when we have that mindset, we miss out on SO. MUCH. BEAUTY. that is tucked into the season we’re currently in.

My heart gets all fired up about this, because this is how this whole blog began four years ago as I found myself as an overwhelmed college student working 2 part time jobs, leading a student organization, attending small group, planning a wedding, and preparing for student teaching. I knew those days were so sweet and that one day I would miss the times of being surrounded by friends, late nights spent studying and laughing, and the fun perks of that season. So I set out then and there to soak up all the beauty in that current season, and Beautiful Season Co. began.

Even when we go through seasons that aren’t quite what we expected, there is still so much beauty to find and lessons to be learned through our current seasons.

Walking with others through their valleys

This is probably one of the most surprising things God taught me through our season of infertility. After walking through our own hard season for so many months, God started to open my eyes to those walking through their own valleys around us. I finally stopped fearing walking with others through hard things and God opened my heart to simply being with them, praying for them, encouraging them, and listening to them.

Getting Vulnerable

Along with not being afraid of walking with others through valleys, I needed to stop being afraid of sharing our hard things too. We weren’t meant to walk through this life alone. Life is SO much sweeter when we have friends to share it with, to cry with, and to pray with. Sharing our story of infertility with the world was one of the most vulnerable thing I’ve ever done and it was worth it times a million. I remember sitting at a table in Starbucks with knots in my stomach as I prayed for the courage to hit “publish”. It humbled me in every way. There was no more faking “fine” or laughing off the questions of when we were having little ones. But the support of family and friends poured out, the prayers prayed for our sweet boy, and the connections made with others walking through similar seasons were worth it over and over again.

Sweet friend, if you are walking through a season of Infertility, I pray these lessons the Lord has been teaching us, encourage you. Keep holding on friend. You are prayed for, and so so loved! I’m always here to chat if you ever want someone to talk to! Seriously, I’m just a message away. Shoot me a message on Instagram or send me an email at rachel@beautifulseasonco.com - it would be an honor to chat with you!

More Resources for Mommas walking through infertility

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