


Welcome sweet friend! I'm so glad you're here. If we haven't met yet, I'm Rachel. I love Jesus more than anything. Waking up early with a hot cup of coffee & curling up with my bible, fills my soul to the brim. I'm a wife to my best friend & high school sweetheart. He is the most supportive & loving man, and he leads us closer to Jesus each day. I'm so thankful to be his wife! I love spending time with family & friends, whether it be gathered in our living room, meeting at a coffee shop, or being on the lake together. I teach preschoolers by day, and run this little blog & our Young Living Business by night. Both of these jobs are so incredibly fun.


We've been using essential oils for almost two years now and they have changed our lives in so many ways. I love to share with others how these oils have changed our lives + how we've built a business with this company we love so much + how to get the most out of using those oils! This has been such a fun, unexpected creative outlet for me.


Other things I love: 

Stress away bath bombs + reading a good book on the front porch + visiting fun coffee shops + walks along the lake + game nights with family and friends + black and white striped shirts + peach kombucha + pretty planners + creating beautiful digital resources. 

L E A V E    A     M E S S A G E    B E L O W  -   I    C A N ' T   W A I T   T O   T A L K   T O   Y O U   F R I E N D !  &…

L E A V E    A     M E S S A G E    B E L O W  -   I    C A N ' T   W A I T   T O   T A L K   T O   Y O U   F R I E N D !   : )