Easter Basket Inspiration for Toddlers


Easter will look so different this year than many of us had planned on. Last year, Easter Sunday was our first full day home from the hospital with sweet Oliver as a squishy newborn. So we stayed home and snuggled and slept most of the day. I was so looking forward to getting to celebrate with family this year. Church together, brunch afterwards, Oliver’s first Easter egg hunt, taking family pictures together, dressing Ollie up in his little suspenders, etc. So many fun little things I was looking forward too.

But ultimately, Easter is for celebrating our Savior and I’m SO thankful we still get to do that no matter where we are. I get to choose JOY in this season because Jesus literally gave his life for you and me. So undeserving and truly grateful for that gift. Because our Joy is in Him, we can still celebrate this season and all of these little things are a “get to” and we’re so grateful!


A few of the little things bringing me joy this Easter season

  • Oliver’s grandparents putting together and so graciously mailing him such fun easter baskets to open

  • Ordering some jumbo plastic eggs to do a little “Easter egg Hunt” in the living room

  • Planning to dress Oliver up in his Easter outfit on Sunday to send pictures to family

  • The ability to stream our church service online with our church family

  • A family walk together outside

  • Putting together his Easter basket

  • Reading bible stories & Easter books together

Before we dive into ideas, a little disclaimer and encouragement. I LOVE gathering ideas and sharing them here with you all, it’s such a fun creative outlet for me. But just a reminder to all you amazing mommas out there, you are a GREAT momma regardless of what your kiddos Easter basket looks like. :) I always want you to feel encouraged and inspired in this space! These are all just ideas. I’m all for getting creative and making the most with what we have! I’ll share at the end what we included in Ollie’s this year - we kept it simple. :) Just in case you needed this little reminder, our worth is not in what we buy our kiddos. & they probably won’t even remember the physical things we buy them, but they’ll for sure remember the love we give them and the memories we make together.

Alright, let’s dive into some ideas and inspiration!


Since we have a little boy, some of these ideas are geared towards boys, but really most of these could go either way! A lot of the items shared also have options to choose different colors/styles etc. if you have a little girl. :) Again, just inspiration!

  • Picnic basket - There are so many fun creative ideas on what you could use as a “basket” for your kiddos. I thought this picnic basket was so fun. I’ve also seen ideas using rain boots, the back of a dump truck, umbrellas, etc. :) Another budget friendly idea I shared around Valentine’s Day, is simply using a basket you already have around the house! Just empty it for the day and fill it up. :)

  • Wooden Vehicles - Oliver has been loving playing with anything with wheels. He recently started making “vroom” noises with his dump truck and it’s just so fun to watch him learn and see what he’s interested in. :) This wooden vehicle emergency set is adorable and looks like it would hold up well! I picked up a few little wooden vehicles from the dollar spot at Target. Not sure how long they’ll last but they are perfect for keeping in the diaper bag. :)

  • Rain Boots or Spring Shoes - There are so many fun options for little ones for rain boots both on Amazon and at Target. Hunter boots are an investment again, but I’ve had a pair for four or five years now and they are still in GREAT condition and I wear them all winter long. :) If you have multiple kiddos, I think these are a great investment in a neutral color to pass down from kid to kid. :) We put some little navy shoes like these Native’s in Oliver’s easter basket for spring/summertime.

  • Spring or Easter books - I shared a fun little round up of Spring & Easter books this past week (click here to check out that post). The books shown above are “Tomorrow I’ll be Kind” and “Easter is Coming”. We put “Tomorrow I’ll be Kind” in Ollie’s easter basket this year. :)

  • Cuddle and Kind Doll - I love this company for so many reasons. They’re customer service is outstanding, they love people so well! My mom gifted us “Hudson the Bear” at our baby shower and we’ve used it for all of Oliver’s monthly pictures this first year. It’s held up perfectly through all the love Oliver gives it. ;) I also love that for each doll purchased, Cuddle and Kind provides 10 meals to children in need. So neat! And, every animal they create is just so darn cute! Lucas the Llama is on my wishlist. :)

  • Bibs - We go through drool bibs like crazy and it seems like teething phase may never end here, but cute drool bibs help. ;) These ones were so cute! We have a couple Copper Pearl sets as well as these Parker Baby Co. bibs and they are such great quality and budget friendly! I’d love to get Ollie one of these Gathre bibs for mealtimes soon too. :)

  • Wooden Food - while collecting wooden toys for pretend play is for sure an investment, as a preschool teacher, I’ve seen just how worth-it it is to invest in quality toys that will last! This little set looked so cute for Easter. Melissa & Doug toys are great quality too and hold up well!

  • Sunglasses - We have the Cat & Jack sunglasses just like this from last summer, but any summer essentials are a fun idea to add to Easter Baskets - sunglasses, swimsuits, beach towels, sunscreen, etc. :) My sweet momma sent Ollie the cutest little shark swim trunks and beach towel, such a fun idea!

  • Tubby Todd - We love everything Tubby Todd that we’ve tried so far! I put the spring bath/lotion set in his easter basket along with a bottle of sunscreen. Click here to grab your 10% off coupon for your entire Tubby Todd order! Yay!

  • Water Bottle - perfect for spring walks and playing at the park all summer long. I still need to decide on a water bottle for Ollie. I’ve looked at the Yeti, Contigo, and Hydroflask toddler water bottles. If you have any favorites to recommend, send them my way! I always love hearing reviews from real life friends. ;)

  • Easter egg Chalk - I actually found almost this same exact set in the Target dollar spot (before all of the social distancing began) and scored a package just like this for $1. I loved that these were big pieces for his little hands to be able to grasp.

  • Bunny Nesting Set - we recently got Ollie stacking cups and he’s having so much fun with them and loves when he gets to take things apart or stack them back together. This bunny nesting set looks like an adorable little Easter themed gift!

Other Ideas:

  • Snacks - depending on the age of your kiddos/their preferences, this could be any type of snack or treat! Oliver got these little sweet potato rusks in his basket, and loves these Yogurt melts too. :)

  • Outdoor Toys such as little shovels or rakes or sand toys

  • Swimsuits, goggles, beach towels etc.

  • Bubbles or sidewalk chalk

  • Paints, markers, crayons, etc.


Here’s what we did for Ollie’s basket this year:

The ideas are endless! I hope this gives you a few fun ideas to get started or wrap up easter your kiddos easter baskets. :)

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Mother’s Day Gift Guide
