
Sharing our Spring & Easter Book Favorites as well as a few on our wishlist!

As a preschool teacher I love love love encouraging parents to read to their children as much as possible! It is so beneficial for children’s development in many ways. As a momma, this is one thing I’ve looked forward too since the moment we found out we were expecting our miracle babe. I love creating a little collection of books for each holiday and season to display on the floating bookshelves in Ollie’s room. It’s so fun to switch out the books to match the seasons and keeps the kiddos interested with “new” books to choose from (or books they just haven’t seen in a while. ;) ). We do this at preschool every couple of weeks too and the kiddos always get excited when they come back to new books.

This doesn’t have to be expensive - libraries are a GREAT resource! I love checking their first and if it’s a favorite we really love, then purchasing it to add to our book collection. :)

Alright here we go, spring picks! Simply hover over the title below to click direct links to each book. :)


The Good Egg // E is for Easter // Bunny Roo I love You // Easter is Coming // The Little Rabbit // The Runaway Bunny // God Gave Us Easter // Too Many Carrots // Marshmallow

I hope that gives you a few ideas. :) There are SO many fun books out there!

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