Friday Coffee Chat: Mentoring + Discipleship
Image by Lauren Graeve Photography
Happy Friday sweet friends! Welcome to Friday Morning Coffee Chats. I always tell y'all I wish we could get together in real life every Friday morning and have coffee together, pray together, laugh together, cry together, and just share life!
I dream of that becoming a reality someday, but until then, I thought we'd make Friday mornings our Coffee Chats days on the Blog! Each Friday I'll pick a new topic to chat about! Pour yourself a hot cup of coffee, find a cozy spot, and let's chat together. :)
Okay! Today's Friday Coffee Chat topic..mentoring + discipleship.
Mentoring and being mentored has been something that God has laid on my hear this past year. I had heard a lot about this idea of mentorship and discipleship, but it all felt super overwhelming to me.
In February this past year, I attended the IF:Gathering and God laid it on my heart in big ways to step out in faith and simply start. It wasn't a coincidence that, that same weekend IF:Gathering launched the "discipleship collective". So the rest of the weekend I prayed for God to lead me and to give me the courage to simply start.
I got back home and texted a friend who's just a few miles away and in a season of life I was in not too long ago. I asked if she would be up for picking out a bible study together and meeting for coffee once a week to just share what we're learning. She said that she was totally up for that and that actually had been an answer to prayer for her too (So crazy how God works...I don't know why I ever doubt him. ;) )
So that's what we did! I felt totally unqualified, and wasn't really sure if this was what discipleship looked like at all. I took away SO much during this time and was constantly being stretched by God in the best way. It encouraged me to get vulnerable with others, to ask for help, and to be held accountable to studying scripture each day.
If you're in a place of feeling overwhelmed with the idea of discipleship, I encourage you to pray over it and simply start small! I think sometimes we make it too complicated. The word discipleship sounds so big and biblical. Let's just grab a friend, grab our bibles, and do life together for His glory!
Our church also does small groups, and that's another way I love learning from women in so many different seasons of life! There is so much wisdom to be learned from women who are in the seasons ahead of us.
Here's to doing life together and creating community sweet friends!